Owing to staggering statistics of assaults, it is responsibility of every woman in this time and age, to know about the basic techniques to protect herself from any predator or victimizer. This article would help you to know what steps you should take if you anticipate any danger in your vicinity.
I'm targeting this article specifically to women out there, but actually, this is for anyone who wants to be well equipped in the face of any danger. Anybody from a 99-year old nun to a U.S. Army First Sergeant can be assaulted. Don't think this is the stuff what nightmares are made of. The violence is very real, very now.
Okay, let's get started, shall we?
Intuitive power
You are walking home late at night. Suddenly the hair on your neck stands, you feel tingling sensations in your arms, there are cold sweat and tremors- what's this? That's your built-in defense mechanism. Intuition. It's comes to play when you are not feeling safe enough. Pay heed to it. If it says don't go in that alley, then don't. We have gotten habitual of overriding our basic instincts. They have kept us alive for thousands of years, and I think they can do a pretty good job even now.
Important defence moves
Bruce Lee said, "Hack away the unessential." When your heat is beating at rate of 220 beats per minute, and you can barely keep your emotions straight, how can you possibly remember that fancy move that you learnt from a YouTube video? During such perilous situations, fine motor skills don't work at all. Stick to the basic stuff.
The moves I am going to tell now are really effective and easy. No frills attached.
-Hit on the most sensitive areas- Groin, throat, knees and eyes. Attack these.
-Ever seen a catfight? There is a lot of biting, scratching and, poking in it. Resort to that.
-Thrust your palm into the attacker's nose, as if you trying to shove it in his brain.
The aim is to ATTACK. Instead of defending, you to need attack, attack and attack. Do it with such an intensity that guy don't even know what has hit him. It is proven that fighting back, instead of acting like a log, will discourage your assaulter. He is much more likely to give up, because he won't be expecting such a ferocious response from you.
Still I can't undermine the importance a careful, calculated judgment in such scenarios. You need to THINK what's going to work at that time.
Anything can act as weapon.
Got keys? Scratch the guy's face. Stab his arm with it. Got a scarf? Try to strangle him up to the point of unconsciousness (not murderers, are we?). Your deodorant can double up as a pepper spray. The point is to keep your eyes open for the things that you can use against the attacker. Also, don't make your intentions apparent. Be very, very discreet. Act in milliseconds. Be prepared.
If you know that your parking lot is going to be deserted at this time, then keep the keys in your hand, so that you don't have rummage it through your bag and lose the focus.
If you don't want to be victim, stop acting like one. That 'Deer-caught-in-the-headlights' expression is not going to keep you safe. Do you know about the protective stance? Stand with feet firm and slightly apart, knees slightly bent, chin tucked in to your one shoulder, one hand raised to stop any blow. This is how your posture should be while facing your attacker. Look him in the eye, and tell him to back off very confidently . Most of the times, this thing works.
If you have a slightest hope that there is someone around, shout at the top of the lungs, but not before bringing in some safe distance between you and the guy. There would be a good chance that he would try to hurt you in order to shut you up, so be cautious about this one.
Being defenseless is like walking with a neon board sign saying 'Here, attack me. I am an easy prey.' You got a responsibility towards yourself. You got a life to fight for. Keep that in mind.
I'm targeting this article specifically to women out there, but actually, this is for anyone who wants to be well equipped in the face of any danger. Anybody from a 99-year old nun to a U.S. Army First Sergeant can be assaulted. Don't think this is the stuff what nightmares are made of. The violence is very real, very now.
Okay, let's get started, shall we?
Intuitive power
You are walking home late at night. Suddenly the hair on your neck stands, you feel tingling sensations in your arms, there are cold sweat and tremors- what's this? That's your built-in defense mechanism. Intuition. It's comes to play when you are not feeling safe enough. Pay heed to it. If it says don't go in that alley, then don't. We have gotten habitual of overriding our basic instincts. They have kept us alive for thousands of years, and I think they can do a pretty good job even now.
Important defence moves
Bruce Lee said, "Hack away the unessential." When your heat is beating at rate of 220 beats per minute, and you can barely keep your emotions straight, how can you possibly remember that fancy move that you learnt from a YouTube video? During such perilous situations, fine motor skills don't work at all. Stick to the basic stuff.
The moves I am going to tell now are really effective and easy. No frills attached.
-Hit on the most sensitive areas- Groin, throat, knees and eyes. Attack these.
-Ever seen a catfight? There is a lot of biting, scratching and, poking in it. Resort to that.
-Thrust your palm into the attacker's nose, as if you trying to shove it in his brain.
The aim is to ATTACK. Instead of defending, you to need attack, attack and attack. Do it with such an intensity that guy don't even know what has hit him. It is proven that fighting back, instead of acting like a log, will discourage your assaulter. He is much more likely to give up, because he won't be expecting such a ferocious response from you.
Still I can't undermine the importance a careful, calculated judgment in such scenarios. You need to THINK what's going to work at that time.
Anything can act as weapon.
Got keys? Scratch the guy's face. Stab his arm with it. Got a scarf? Try to strangle him up to the point of unconsciousness (not murderers, are we?). Your deodorant can double up as a pepper spray. The point is to keep your eyes open for the things that you can use against the attacker. Also, don't make your intentions apparent. Be very, very discreet. Act in milliseconds. Be prepared.
If you know that your parking lot is going to be deserted at this time, then keep the keys in your hand, so that you don't have rummage it through your bag and lose the focus.
If you don't want to be victim, stop acting like one. That 'Deer-caught-in-the-headlights' expression is not going to keep you safe. Do you know about the protective stance? Stand with feet firm and slightly apart, knees slightly bent, chin tucked in to your one shoulder, one hand raised to stop any blow. This is how your posture should be while facing your attacker. Look him in the eye, and tell him to back off very confidently . Most of the times, this thing works.
If you have a slightest hope that there is someone around, shout at the top of the lungs, but not before bringing in some safe distance between you and the guy. There would be a good chance that he would try to hurt you in order to shut you up, so be cautious about this one.
Being defenseless is like walking with a neon board sign saying 'Here, attack me. I am an easy prey.' You got a responsibility towards yourself. You got a life to fight for. Keep that in mind.